Ron’s Story

StimRouter for chronic back pain

Meet Ron

StimRouter for chronic back pain

As a New York-based hairstylist with an international clientele, Ron was a busy and active professional. He was very happy with his career and life—until 2013, when he began struggling with severe back pain. Standing for hours at a time was difficult, and air travel was debilitating.

Ron tried prescription medications, injections, and physical therapy, but none provided sufficient pain relief. At one point, he was taking seven doses of pain medications just to get through the day, and the side effects of those medications affected his ability to be on-point and personable with his clients and colleagues.

The pain affected Ron’s home life, as well. It forced him to stop some of his favorite activities, such as walking and running. At times, Ron’s wife had to pick him up from the floor after he had a crippling back spasm, and his children had to help him walk.

One day, his doctor suggested that Ron try StimRouter. Ron was hesitant but, soon after receiving the device, knew he had found the solution he needed to feel normal again. Using StimRouter also has let him cut back on the medication he needs to manage his pain.

Now, Ron can walk about a half-mile and help with tasks around the house. He says StimRouter is a great addition to his care plan, as it helps him regain independence and gives him hope for a pain-free future.

“When it comes down to it, StimRouter gives me the opportunity to be more in control of my pain management regime, and allows for more independence than before.” — Ron, StimRouter user