Mike’s Story

StimRouter for chronic arm pain

MikeMeet Mike

Mike had always been an outgoing person, traveling around the country for his job and spending time with his family and friends. All of that changed in 2014, when Mike fell from an elevated platform at work. The resulting injuries left him with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in his left arm.

Suddenly, Mike was unable to do his job, enjoy time with loved ones, or get a good night’s sleep. For six years, he suffered with CRPS symptoms that no medication, therapy, or other treatment could relieve effectively. Mike couldn’t even hold his grandchild in his arms without experiencing pain. He felt useless, almost as if he had no reason to live.

Facing the possibility of amputation, Mike renewed his search for other options—and found StimRouter. He started using the system in 2020 and could not be happier with the results. He is finally pain-free, no longer takes pain medication, and shares his story in hopes of raising awareness about StimRouter.

Hear more of Mike’s story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V60VNyXrkNQ