Diane’s Story

DianeMeet Diane

StimRouter for chronic leg pain

Diane had lived with chronic pain for 23 years, since suffering a severe ankle fracture at work. At first, she expected to make a full recovery after a procedure to repair the fracture—but 30 surgeries and countless medications later, Diane decided to have her leg amputated. It seemed her only hope for stopping the pain and reclaiming her life.

Unfortunately, even amputation did not resolve the issue. In fact, Diane’s pain after the surgery was so severe that she could not use a prosthetic leg. She became confined to her bed, feeling devastated and depressed.

Help arrived in the form of Kyle Eberlin, MD, at Massachusetts General Hospital, who recommended that Diane try StimRouter. The device gave Diane immediate improvement in her pain and a glimpse of a future not controlled by pain. She went from struggling to walk at all to walking for hours a day.

Diane is now able to live life on her own terms, especially spending time with her family and being a grandmother. Having rediscovered her enthusiasm for adventure, she enjoys jumping on the family’s trampoline, riding her Razor® scooter, and chaperoning her grandchildren on trips to the zoo.

“Within five months of having the StimRouter, I have accomplished so much. Without it, I don’t know what I would do, and I feel like I can’t live without it. I’m now able to walk my dog, jump on a trampoline, and ride both a bike and a Razor® scooter.” — Diane, StimRouter user