Susan’s Story

StimRouter for chronic leg pain

For more than 15 years, Susan struggled with crippling pain caused by lupus and a degenerative spinal disk disease. Although multiple surgeries eased her back pain, she continued to suffer from neuropathy pain in her legs.

At times, Susan’s pain was so unbearable that she felt as if only her family kept her going. She had to rely on her husband for everyday tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, and driving. She lost motivation to leave her home, even to receive dialysis for kidney failure—and without dialysis, Susan would be ineligible for a new kidney. Her only hope was to find a way to manage her pain.

Finally, Susan met Jay Kumar, MD, D.ABA, Chief Medical Officer at Spine & Pain Specialists of the Carolinas, who told her about StimRouter. Willing to try anything, Susan underwent a test to see if the device would be a good option for her. The results were encouraging, and she received a StimRouter for each leg.

Since then, Susan’s quality of life has skyrocketed! She has experienced dramatic reduction in her pain and can now sit through her dialysis appointments. For the first time in years, Susan can enjoy her favorite activities: shopping, traveling, going to the beach, driving, and attending family gatherings.